• From the Territories

Municipality of Casalvolone

We publish the speech by Ezio Piantanida, Mayor of Casalvolone, in Piedmont, where the free hotspots have been activated and in addition to the Municipalities that have joined the WiFi Italia Project.

"Our administration has adhered with conviction to the Wifi Italia project. Being part of a public and free network is an important opportunity to provide new services to citizens and those who want to know our territory and our history. It is said that the name of the ancient town of Casalvolone originates from Roman camps of volunteers (Castra Volonum) at the time of the war between the Roman army led by Caio Mario and the Cimbri, in 101 BC.

As stated by Marco Perosa in 1889, in all documents from the year 1000 onwards, Casalvolone is found with the simple name of Casali, as also mentions by Pope Innocent II in the bull of June 26, 1133, where they are named "plebem de Casali, capellam de castro, Abatiam S, Salvatoris de Casali ".

There were many interpretations of the origin of this name, but here we want to confirm the most credible and that is that the toponym "Casalvolone" is a compound of Casale or fundus casalis, with the value of agricultural land belonging to a family, and of Wala , family of Germanic origin and lords of the locality between the 10th and 13th centuries; from medieval sources the name is Latinized in Wolonus, then transformed into CasaleGualone, where the Germanic "w" becomes Italian "gu", until reaching the dialectal rendition of Casalvoloni.

Between 1190 and 1240 Casalvolone was at the center of numerous disputes between Novara and Vercelli and the Marquises of Monferrato, who the latter took possession of it in 1357 with Giovanni il Paleologo.

In 1404, after various wars between the Visconti and the Marquises of Monferrato, it passed into power to the Marquis Teodoro II; Eusebio Bulgaro became its lord immediately afterwards, until 1500 when Casalvolone entered the fiefdoms of Sebastiano Ferrero, from which it then passed to the Ferrero-Fieschi family until the seventeenth century; with an act dated 28 July 1694, the Marquis Giorgio de Clerici, Grand Chancellor of Milan and husband of the Marquess Giovanna Ferrero Fieschi, sold the fiefs of Casalvolone, Villata and Ponzana to the lawyer Giovan Batta Gibellini.

(from the volume "Casalvolone between Art and History" from the 10th century to the present day by Dr. Viviana Inselvini)